Monday, November 14, 2011

The build after 2 weeks

Bought some new tools, got some steel, built a jig and now I'm tinkering.  I've got a pretty good feel for where everything from the firewall back will be so that's what I'm going to work on.  Figuring the front end will be pretty generic so I'll do that part later once I have things like the driver, engine and rear end located.  Here are some pics of the progress so far.  It has gone fairly according to plan with the original skecth - I think the only real dimesion to change so far is the layback of the rear part of the chassis tub.  So far I have the lower frame, part of the cockpit flooring, most of the vertical risers and the back half of the top rail in place.  I have created the mounts for the swingarm and have it bolted in to get a feel for the geometry and where to put the shock, chain, jackshaft, etc.

Yeah, I know, my welds are in need of some work.  But I'm getting better - a few of them I'm actually proud of!

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